Hook 'N Stick Designs

Handmade for the ones you love

Owls are a hoot

on July 21, 2013

As I gear up to start selling at the Farmers Market, I did some “research” yesterday by going to a couple markets with my hubby. It was a nice time out, and we got some exercise, veggies, bread, and some empty cigar boxes that I am excited to play with!

I did not see anyone set up at either market that has the sort of stuff I do. I was really hoping for some staging ideas, but didn’t really get any. I am hoping to go out to the market we will be actually be setting up at to see if there is anything similar there.

Anyway, as I was thinking of the types of items that I want to make, I started with a baby owl hat. I found a free pattern on Ravelry, and made it in about 3 hours… Including a stop at Joann to get the yarn.


It came out absolutely adorable, and when I showed FaceBook, I had a couple orders the same day. The first I started working on was to be darker blue with no ear flaps, and matching booties. So I started playing around, and this is what I came up with.



They came out so cute… But I made them cuter!


I know… Right! Adorable. Makes me wish my boys were babies again! So, I will finish up the orders and then make up a few to put in my Market bin.

I am getting excited. Like not being able to sleep excited! We are aiming for the last weekend in August to start. That will be mostly good timing, except that I will have started back at nursing school the week before. Multi-tasking… I can do this!

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